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U, D, C

Activities of U, D, C in Kushtia district at a glance

Serial no Content Actions taken 1 Entrepreneur Selection / Using Blogs and Using Online Monitoring Tools A. In Kushtia district, 132 persons (1 male and 1 female) have been recruited in 6 TUISCs. B. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to use blogs by announcing the Best Blogger Award. C. Entrepreneurs are trained to use online monitoring tools and are using regular monitoring tools. 2 Entrepreneurs need training A. ১৩ 132 entrepreneurs of TUISC have been imparted training for 7 days on the initiative of district administration. 3 Supply of necessary hardware materials Computer printers, scanners, modems and some digital digital cameras, multimedia projectors and photocopiers are being provided at all the two UISCs without electricity in Kushtia and the district administration. 4 UISCA room problem solving and furniture delivery Under the direction of the district administration, with the assistance of the UNO and the UP chairman, arrangements have been made for the designation of a specific room for the UISC in the union parish and the provision of necessary furniture in that room. 5 Organizing seminars District and Upazila level officials, chairpersons, secretaries, teachers, entrepreneurs and other dignitaries have organized a four-day seminar on "Digital Bangladesh Achievements" and "UISC Entrepreneur Gathering" in Sylhet district. 6 Necessary publicity Various initiatives have been taken for the necessary publicity in the implementation of UISC in Sylhet district administration. 7 Regular attendance of the entrepreneur Necessary arrangements have been made for inspection, supervision and intensive monitoring to ensure regular attendance of entrepreneurs in each UISC through the District ICT Focal Point UNO and UP Chairmen. 8 Entrepreneurs need to take necessary initiatives to increase their income Udyoktaderaayabaratejelaaisitiphokalapayenta, upajelanirbahiaphisaraebamiupiceyaramyanaderamadhyamejanasadharanakeprayojaniyakaje (sbalpamulyaparisodhasapekse) iuaiesasimukhikarateudbuddhakarahayechetacharabibhinnasabhasamabeseiuaiesasitepradattasebasamuhapracarerabyabasthaniyeebansiksapratisthanerapradhanaderamadhyamechatra / chatrideraaidikarda, bibhinnakajechatrachatriderachabitola, siksasankrantabibhinnatathyajanateutsahapradanakaratenirdesanapradanakarahayeche. 9 UPSCHIBU Entrepreneur Coordination It is not the district administration but the UNO and the UP chairman who have been given the necessary direction in the coordination between the UP secretary and the entrepreneur and in every aspect of the relationship. 10 UISCC Group Inspection The UISCs are conducting regular inspections in the district administration and sending inspection reports to the Cabinet Division, ATUI, BCCA and concerned parties. 11 Blog members and regular bloggers জেলাপ্রশাসনেরকর্মকর্তাএবংউপজেলানির্বাহীঅফিসারসহসকলইউআইএসসিউদ্যোক্তারব্লগসদস্যহওয়াএবংব্লগেলেখানিশ্চিতকরাহয়েছে.ইউএনওগণেরমাধ্যমেএবংবিসিসিরপ্রোগ্রামারওসহকারীপ্রোগ্রামারগণেরসহযোগিতায়উদ্যোক্তাগণকেঅনলাইনমনিটরিংটুলব্যবহারকরেদৈনিকআয়েরতথ্যপ্রেরণেরজন্যনির্দেশনাপ্রদানকরাহয়েছে.জেলাপ্রশাসনকর্তৃকশ্রেষ্টব্লগারপুরস্কারপ্রদানেরঘোষনাদিয়েব্লগব্যবহারেসকলকেউৎসাহিতকরাহয়েছে. 12 Internet problem solving Most of the UISCs do not have internet demos, but the speed is very low. 13 Solve electricity problems Due to load shedding of electricity, the entrepreneurs have lost interest and failed to provide necessary services to the candidates. Therefore, the district administration has instructed to purchase laptops and install solar power panels in every UISC.